Implementation of Financial Inclusion in Indonesia during the Pandemic

Mahasiswa S1 SBM ITB 2021 Arnetta C. D Siagian,
Mahasiswa S1 SBM ITB 2021 Arnetta C. D Siagian,
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KLIKTODAYNES.COM Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2016 which was enacted on September 1, 2016, defines financial inclusion as a condition in which every member of the public has access to a variety of quality, timely, smooth and safe formal financial services at affordable costs according to their respective needs and abilities. -Each.

According to Tirta Segara, as a Member of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority for Education and Consumer Protection of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), on October 5, 2020, there were at least 3 things that became the main basis for the importance of financial inclusion in achieving macroeconomic goals. , especially during this pandemic. First, looking at financial inclusion as having a direct (positive) relationship with the rate of economic growth. With the ease of accessing finance, it can reduce the inequality of welfare in the community. Based on data provided by the OJK, currently the level of national financial inclusion in Indonesia has reached 76.2 percent.

However, this cannot be assessed as good, because the level of financial inclusion is not evenly distributed, meaning that the ease of access to finance is still only felt in certain areas, namely 83.6% for urban areas and 68.5% for rural areas. In addition, this figure has not yet reached the target set by the government, through President Joko Widodo at the SNKI Limited Meeting, January 2020, namely 90 percent of financial inclusion in 2024. For this reason, the implementation of financial inclusion must be intensified, and carried out more evenly.

Second, financial inclusion plays a role in the process of economic recovery during a pandemic, by ensuring convenience in providing financial support for all people, especially during this pandemic. This is important to pay attention to, because in particular, during a pandemic, people face many economic difficulties, especially those who directly lose their jobs. One of the innovations that can be done is to make your own business. However, this is certainly not easy to do, one of the causes is capital constraints. By expanding easy access to financing and capital, the public can more easily reach these sources of capital. The implication is that a country that has a high level of financial inclusion is able to map it and distribute it appropriately to people in need.

Third, financial inclusion plays a role in maintaining economic stability. Financial inclusion plays a role in supporting people’s economic resilience in any situation and condition, including during a pandemic like this. Through financial inclusion capabilities, it can help people and economic actors to survive in the face of the current economic downturn. With such events, it can shape them to better prepare themselves for the possibility of a financial crisis that is currently occurring or that will be faced.

Tirta also said, “We hope that with the availability and use of financial products / services that are in accordance with the needs of the community, they will be able to revive people’s economic activities so that they can rise from the current economic conditions,”

The development of the application of financial inclusion can certainly run if every related institution works together in implementing it, including the Bank. Currently, many banks have started implementing financial inclusion programs through several programs provided by these banks. One of them is BNI Bank. Until last September, the total funds channeled through the BNI financial inclusion program had reached Rp. 50.02 trillion and the program beneficiaries had felt the benefits of it. The recipients of this program are people who need access to a variety of quality, timely, smooth and safe financial services at affordable costs according to their respective needs and abilities. This program is implemented with the aim of assisting the government in accelerating financial inclusion.

These are some of the important points conveyed in the opening of the Financial Inclusion Month some time ago. Hopefully, the implications of this financial inclusion can develop into a better direction, so that more people feel the benefits. These are some of the important points conveyed in the opening of the Financial Inclusion Month some time ago. Hopefully, the implications of this financial inclusion can continue to develop in a better direction, so that more parties will feel the benefits. Of course, this must also be supported by each related institution, and the community itself.

By: SBM ITB S1 Students 2021 Arnetta C. D Siagian

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