Sad News Eighty-Three Indonesia Migrant Workers (IMW) Destination To Malaysia. Two Declared Dead

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ASAHAN –|| Dozens of illegal Indonesia Migrant Workers (IMW) saved joint team after the fishing boat ridden shipwreck in the waters of tanjung api asahan.

A fishing boat carrying Indonesia Migrant Workers (IMW) reported to have had an accident waters of tanjung api asahan

Information obtained fishing boat transport Eighty-Five destination to malaysia shipwreck. Saturday (19/3/2022) about 06:00 pm

The victims were saved another fishing boat who happened to be crossing the waters tanjung api.

The TBA SAR team together with the Asahan Police Satpolairud and TBA Lanal who received further information went down to evacuate the victims and boarded the rescue ship.

.This fishing boat transporting illegal PMI from a number of provinces, reportedly two were found dead, namely, AN (43) a resident of NTT and BS (53) from South Sulawesi.

Meanwhile, were rescued. Separately, members of the Indonesian Inter-Inhabitant Radio (RAPI) who participated in the search for Iwan Putra Sembiring, who was contacted at 9:22 p.m. Sunday night, said Indonesia Migrant Workers (IMW) had been evacuated by Basarnas KM Sanjaya to the wharf port of Bagan Asahan.

Whereas Eighty-Three people were saved, and two people were declared dead.

The following are the names of the victims who were saved:

As for 9 people from the Regency City and Province including; Darlis Sitorus (23) as the Head of the Engine Room and Rahmad Darwis Pangaribuan (48) a resident of Tanjung Balai, then M. .Maksum (35) a resident of Semarang, Aisyah (19) a resident of West Sumatra, Madjuri (43) a resident of Surabaya, Suheri (35) a resident of Banyuwangi, Soni Hariyanto (38) a resident of Sidoarjo, Rupat (46) a resident of Central Lampung and Yosef Tupan (34) a resident of East Flores.

.as many as 20 people from the residents of East Nusa Tenggara Province including; Jeri (19), Mera (27), Nona (25), Fina (38), Delson (18), Paud (22), Abdul Haris (39), Yulius Mali (37), Ojena Monis (35), Roplina Monis (33), Meliana Hoar (24), Remigio (38), Dominggus Salam (38), Sriwahyuningsih (40), Hiponia.Bana (23), Maria Magdalena (45), Rasiano Silpa (28), Hendrikusbawasa (23), Yuliusnahan (32) and also Alexsandroleki (24).
.Next from Lombok Province as many as 5 people, namely: Sawal (39), Ikang Fauji (24), Hapipudin (37), Ajuar (22) and Sahna (41).

There were 5 people from Central Java Province, namely: Suryadi (29), Mukidin (40), Supardi (30), Kuntoro (28), Satrio Wicaksono (35).

Followed by West Java Province as many as 6 of them; Elih Suhailiah (49), Ati Asrati (50), Heri (18), Rishernawatu (43), Tono Suparno (45) and Yuli (32).

Then from South Sulawesi Province as many as 8 people themselves from; Abdul Rasad (30), M Thamrin (29), Ilham (20), Nurati (54), Sarniwati (50), M. Sabrin (25), M. Nasraf (18) and Andi (31).

Next from East Java Province as many as 8 people; Nurhuda (47), Ika Febriani (35), Asis (27), Hatiah (23), Samiati (38), M. Husin (38), Amin Tohari (41) and Sariat (30).

This is the legal opinion of RAPI member, Iwan Putra Sembiring. (STAF07/KTN)

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